Thursday, June 24, 2010

Today is just another day...

...nothing really exciting going on. I did my last round of Chiropratic stuff for this month. Nothing is really wrong, just popping me back into place.

It has been absolutely beautiful out, so I've been trying to enjoy it as much as I can. Today though I just don't know what to do, don't want to spend money, but tired of sitting around the house. Don't really want to drive just around anywhere, would like something to do... maybe I will figure out something sooner or later.

Going on a cruise with the fam this coming Sat, just to Alaska. Apparently it's been absolutely amazing weather this year, so it'll be nice to have some sunshine up in AK while sailing there.

Only a little over 4 wks left to go, then I'm back to LA for rehearsals. I'm very excited to finally get back into it all, this break at home has been amazing, but slowly wanting to get back to doing something.

The cast seems awesome, talked to almost everyone. They are all energetic, happy, fun bunch of ppl, all whom seem ready to get on a ship either for the first time or again. Can't wait to actually meet them all in person (at least those who I don't already know ;)..).

Anyhow, signing off to go be bored somewhere else. haha :) write later.

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