Monday, November 10, 2008


Why were (still are?) afraid of different colored people?

I'm sitting here watching “The Great Debaters”, with Denzel Washington, and it's at the part where they are debating at the end about race and such. It got me thinking though, why we were truly afraid of black people at one point in our history, Japanese at another, and so on and so forth.

Why though? What did they do? They aren't mutated, they aren't smarter, or dumber, they just look different.

If you know me for long enough, I make fun of Asian's and being Asian. I find it funny, and anyone who really knows who I am, knows it's all in good fun. But I've never looked at someone and thought that I wouldn't talk to them because of how they look, as far as race is concerned. Just because someone is Asian, and I'm not suppose to associate myself with another race is just odd to me. (Just an example)

What brought us to the idea that we are better because our skin is darker, lighter, whatever. How did our social status become determined by our race...?

I'm blessed to have grown up in an adoptive family, I think. I'm from South Korea, both my parents are Caucasian, and so is my brother. I live in a predominantly white neighborhood, but not too far from an Asian community. I've danced and experienced different cultures, different lifestyles. I've traveled all around the world, literally, and seen just about every different culture imaginable, with many more to be found.

How you can't gain a RESPECT for different ppl, as oppose to a DISrespect, is amazing to me, and quite dumb if you ask me. Look around, and see the differences, and remember they look at you the same way...different and out of place. :)


Sean W. Malone said...

Nicely said, Ian.

Regina d. said...

o iant, i totally understand with me being a brown skin woman who loves white men. sometimes, i forget i am different or that my skin and his skin are so drastically different until you are walkin' hand in hand down the street and people stare hardcore. and it's worse when u are in a group full of black people. i've gotten past skin color as a barrier on all fronts and i honestly do forget sometimes because my skin color doesn't make me who i am and yet i am expected to act a certain way because i did grow up in a black family. i am me. not black but me. lol nuff of the ranting on your blog.