Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I'm here.... I always try to blog... or at least keep one up. It never seems to end up being more than just something i do for a little while, and then I forget about it or get lazy...

So here is, yet again, another attempt of mine to keep up a blog and let everyone know what I am doing right now in life... I may just have complaints, I may actually have something of substance to write about, and more than normally, i'll probably forget to write something for a while...

for everyone who might be reading this for the first time, and don't know me at all. I can spell, i do know how to use puncuation and all that lovely technically correct grammar. Now, do I use it all the time? no. so get over it if you are an overly anal grammar nazi. ;)

any of the people who are coming here, have no clue who i am or what i do, here's a short bio:
my name is ian, i live in seattle, i'm currently 22 almost 23, and work on a cruiseship. i've spent the last 18 years of my life dancing, the last 4 on cruiseships quite literally travelling the world. i'm not gay, so don't assume. in the last year i will have been on every continent in the world, seen 3 of the 7 world wonders, and will be spending about a month travelling around africa next year.

that's enough for now, hopefully i'll actually keep this up and write something every so many days... i've got many stories to tell, i just get lazy and don't want to type them out.

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