Monday, October 20, 2008


5 letters, one word, something bigger than most ppl can imagine.
What is Faith? Some people believe, I'd imagine, that it is believing in a higher power. Either it be God, Allah, Buddah, Mickey Mouse. Who knows. I know it as having the power to believe in something that you can't touch, feel, see, taste. It just is, and you have to have the Faith, to believe that it is there.
When I think of Faith, I connect it to Jesus, and God, and the church related things that I have read and pursued myself.
Now, most ppl at this point who might be reading this, think I'm probably go on some religious rant about faith or God or something that has to do with religion. I'm not really, I just have the motivation to write about this.
I'm not going to go on some soapbox speech about how it is wrong to believe in one thing and right to believe in another. Because, one, it's not my place, two, whatever you believe is your own thing.
I personally think just having Faith in something is a great thing, obviously if it something perverse then it isn't great, but I think you can gather what I mean in the end.
Having faith is not easy. I have faith that someday I will find a companion, end up married, have kids, the whole nine yards. But I don't know when it is going to have, or if it is even going too, but I have faith that it will work out.
Having faith I think is what keeps a lot of this world going, we may not know it right away, but we all have faith in something. We may not call it faith though, we may call it luck, or karma, or something to that effect. But we all believe that something is going to happen, or we want something to happen in our favor.
Do you have faith in something? Can you right now look at your daily life and think of something you want to happen and you are wishing for? Put you Faith in something, it's amazing what can happen if you do.

Friday, October 10, 2008

ranting... :P

How is it that life throws you curve balls at the oddest or most inconvenient times?

You ask for something, doesn't happen, then all of a sudden it appears. What is life trying to tell you right at that moment? That it wasn't the right time when you wanted it, is it the right time now, do you wait?

I have the hardest time differing the black and white that is thrown at me on a daily basis. Maybe it's the skewed version of reality I have on ships, or maybe it's just the (in?)ability to play devil's advocate when it comes to things and I end up questioning things more than actually acting.

In the end, disappointment, frustration or something to that end, seems to be the result. haha

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I'm here.... I always try to blog... or at least keep one up. It never seems to end up being more than just something i do for a little while, and then I forget about it or get lazy...

So here is, yet again, another attempt of mine to keep up a blog and let everyone know what I am doing right now in life... I may just have complaints, I may actually have something of substance to write about, and more than normally, i'll probably forget to write something for a while...

for everyone who might be reading this for the first time, and don't know me at all. I can spell, i do know how to use puncuation and all that lovely technically correct grammar. Now, do I use it all the time? no. so get over it if you are an overly anal grammar nazi. ;)

any of the people who are coming here, have no clue who i am or what i do, here's a short bio:
my name is ian, i live in seattle, i'm currently 22 almost 23, and work on a cruiseship. i've spent the last 18 years of my life dancing, the last 4 on cruiseships quite literally travelling the world. i'm not gay, so don't assume. in the last year i will have been on every continent in the world, seen 3 of the 7 world wonders, and will be spending about a month travelling around africa next year.

that's enough for now, hopefully i'll actually keep this up and write something every so many days... i've got many stories to tell, i just get lazy and don't want to type them out.